The Nana Lord Quilt Project

Friday, August 18, 2006

Quilt themes and owners

My mother received a note from Aunt Marilyn today -- Uncle Kenneth, her husband and my father's oldest brother, died last month -- and she said she does have the quilt Nana Lord made for Kenneth, which was completed in 1972. The theme for this quilt is flowers. She said it's battered and worn but she will pass it on to my brother Matt, so I should have pictures of this at some point.

The article below mentions 10 quilts. This is what we know about the quilts and their owners so far:

Karen and Brenda, granddaughters who lived with Nana Lord, own the first two quilts. The first quilt, made in 1961, contained the names of children for whom Nana Lord babysat as well as events. The second, completed in 1964, is kind of a death quilt, marking the deaths of famous figures, including the assassination of JFK and, oh yeah, includes my parents' wedding among other happenings at the time.

Uncle Paul's quilt has a family theme, with events and groups important to his family.

Uncle Johnny's quilt had liquor and wine labels.

Bruce's quilt (that would be Dad) was made in 1972. The theme was holidays and it is currently in my possession. (Mine! Mine! Mine!)

Uncle Deanie's quilt was Spanish-themed, since he went to Spain on his honeymoon. Possibly my cousin Eric has this quilt; both Uncle Deanie and Aunt Bernie died a few years ago.

Uncle Kenneth's quilt was made in 1972 (after Dad's) with a flower theme.

Kathie's quilt has a Bicentennial theme.

Nancy's quilt has a symbol theme, with a book detailing the symbols.

Michael's quilt includes his graduation, wedding and the birth of his baby (Hi Chad!).

The article references "Sarah and Cindy" as receiving quilts, with unknown themes, according to the article. Possibly one of them was the "autograph" quilt, which the article says was of aquaintances, but I remember her collecting presidential and Declaration of Independence signatures as well. Who is Sarah? I'm guessing she's referring to Michael's wife.

There's also mention of another quilt, made for a grandson (Kevin would be my guess, since Robin didn't get one), with a "surprise theme."

This brings the quilt tally to at least 12!


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