The Nana Lord Quilt Project

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

My cousin Nancy talks about her quilt

My mother sent out a package to my cousins with my original blog entry and a request for any information about Nana Lord's quilts. Here's the response from my cousin Nancy (Kathie's sister, see the post below):

Hi All,

I have been very negligent in responding about Nana's quilt. Thank you, Linda, for sending this great package.

Ok first after viewing the blog I have to say; (Sorry Kathie-but also Thank you I am not the only one with memory deficiency!) It was cousin Betty that died. Vicki, last I heard, had run off with her sister's boyfriend, leaving 2 Children, a Husband, her Mother, her Grandmother and Aunt on beautiful Walnut Drive. Jenny, now you know why we appreciate the Lord side of the family, as bossy and "know it all" as they all may be.

I have a great "Nana Lord quilt" of symbols. It is full of beautiful fabrics and lined in silk (surely it must be real silk!), very colorful. I received this when I graduated high school. I have heard the rumor it was with marriage that we received these quilts but if this were true (as I mentioned to your Dad and Mom at Kenneth's reception/collation), I would have received 2! I kept my quilt from 1978 to 1981 in a "HOPE" chest for when I married. I used it sparingly in the beginning of my marriage displaying it on a quilt-rack Dad made for me. (Also Kathie -unless my memory fails me-a pattern from Mrs. McCormick -made by her husband). But then I heard, I think from Linda, maybe Sara, that Nana wanted us to USE these quilts not to DISPLAY them. With this I brought it out to the couch and…probably best if I do not elaborate about the person who I would cover when they passed out each night...Anyway when I had Sami and Ben I used it as Jenny has talked about, when they were sick or not feeling well. It was great to bring it out and discuss what the symbols stood for. Nana gave me a booklet she had made to explain all the symbols. We would look over the quilt and guess the symbols and compare to the book. It was packed away when I moved in 1994. Brought out again when I had Elizabeth in 2000. I used it to lay her on after I saw all the vibrant and expensive "stimulation" mats for new babies at "BabiesRUs". It was, unfortunately, in another cedar chest when this discussion began. I brought it out to show my oldest 2 children to have them share their thoughts-OK I am still waiting for that. I will take some pics to send and copy my symbol book to share. I admit to being the bad granddaughter who threw her quilt in the washing machine. It is tightened in some spots and unraveled in others. What a wonderful way to connect to family, Nana Lord knew what she was doing.



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